Saving Results in an INERTIA Test

Tags: Software

Results in INERTIA store the result of some comparison at some time within your test. Each result can contain a single record or an array of records with each record having a timestamp, the channel’s value, the comparison, and the result of the comparison. To define a result in an INERTIA  Test Profile (within the Inertia Profile Editor), right-click on the Results folder and select Add Result. This will create an empty Result that needs to be configured. 


Double-click the new result or right-click and select Edit Result to edit its properties.


A result’s properties include the following:

  • Name, Description: basic descriptive information. The Name must be unique within a test.
  • Size: the number of result records that this result can contain.
  • Value Type: the type of “channel” that is being checked for this result. Types include variables (DAQ channels, setpoints, etc.), test parameters, test local variables, or constants.
  • Value: based on the Value Type chosen, this control provides the appropriate selection to let you chose a value, constant, parameter, etc.
  • Criteria: the comparison to perform on the selected channel/value. So if you want to check if a channel is between 111.0 and 0.0, select one of the In Range options.
  • Upper/Lower Limit Type: Similar to Value Type, this property determines the type of any limits used by the selected Criteria.
  • Upper/Lower Limit Value: Similar to Value, this property provides the appropriate selector for chosing (or entering) your limit value.

Once your result is set up, you can add a Save Result step to your test. Drag and drop a Save Result to your test profile and double-click it to bring up the Save Result properties dialog.

Want to learn more about using INERTIA? Fast-track your knowledge of INERTIA software with this video library, including six video tutorials specifically designed to help a new user get accustomed to the interface, features, and tools.


About Genuen

Our goal is to improve time to market without compromising product quality or safety standards. With experience in mission-critical applications and regulatory compliance, Genuen creates custom test systems across the product lifecycle, including hardware-in-the-loop (HIL), fluid power test, and electromechanical test. Headquartered near Kansas City, we have offices across the United States and serve clients in aerospace, transportation, national security, and beyond. The company's Quality Management System (QMS) is certified to ISO 9001.