Mind if we ask you a few questions?

In a previous post , I wrote about how data science can be an important part of systems integration.  In this post, I would like to outline a few more details about how that happens by exploring the following graphic:

Genuen Ask Answer Act-2

It is remarkable how many businesses are asking too little of their data. Here is how Genuen may be able to help:

ASK:  ... big questions. In the top blue row of the graphic, you can see examples such as, "Are we making the correct product?" Or, "What is the effect of vendor quality?" Questions could be related to products or the entire business.  Help your employer mine value out of your data acquisition system.

ANSWER:  The large Genuen-orange section in the middle is where we can help provide answers.  A generally chronological order to answering questions goes like this:  Acquire Data (Hardware Selection, Design, Implementation, and Operation) followed by Analysis of Data (Reporting and Data Science).

ACT:  Once the Data Science step is complete, we have answered questions; what remains is to take action. The ACT row is blue, reflecting your role. Perhaps there is a detail to change in the product's design or manufacturing process, or an action to take improving multiple products or the business as a whole.

You too can take data drive actions by first helping to identify questions that can be answered through your data acquisition system.  Want help?  Click the Contact Us button above.

About Genuen

Our goal is to improve time to market without compromising product quality or safety standards. With experience in mission-critical applications and regulatory compliance, Genuen creates custom test systems across the product lifecycle, including hardware-in-the-loop (HIL), fluid power test, and electromechanical test. Headquartered near Kansas City, we have offices across the United States and serve clients in aerospace, transportation, national security, and beyond. The company's Quality Management System (QMS) is certified to ISO 9001.